Monday, February 6, 2017

What's up with the RITZ?

Well, back in my home town Illinois and I never remember RITZ crackers being so popular when I was a kid. Now, they are everywhere. This may not be funny to anyone else, but I said to myself, "If I see another box of RITZ crackers, I am going to create a blog post!"

Lo and behold, in the checkout line at Walmart,,,there it was RITZ! I mean, how many of these can you eat in the cold season? I have to admit, I do like them with cheese and summer sausage, but my sister and I were not raised on them. We were from a health food family, which I am grateful for now. I'm talking applesauce with pizza type of family. One vegetable or fruit with every meal and NO SODA!!

Anyway, back to the RITZ. I saw them on my family's dining room table for a straight  month, at Schnucks, in pantries, and at the front display at Walmart. I had to smile as I am just thankful for the little things; small crackers in a small town. 

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