Wednesday, July 15, 2015

One Day at a Time

Walking home on a hot day from the neighborhood coffee shop and out of the corner of my eye, I see a woman dressed in all stars and stripes clothing. She has a big silver cross necklace on and is walking in a determined way as she gruffly says, "Hi. They say it's supposed to be hotter soon. I've lived here all my life and seen so much. I don't think it's getting better with all different people moving in here like the Mexicans." I told her my neighbors told me the neighborhood has gotten a lot better through the years and she says she didn't think so, then said that everyone around the hood knew her, then she gave some advice..."You just gotta take it one day at a time. That's what they say, anyway." She walked on with what seemed like she was on a mission as we said our goodbyes and it left me thinking...."One day at a time...that's so true..and sometimes the stuff we think is so important, is not all that important at all. "

So, don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. 
Matthew 6:34

$3 Flowers

So, the other day, I was driving to get groceries and saw a man that I recognized on the side of the road selling flowers. He was a dad who had been through a parent empowerment program in the city and I recognized his two 3 year old twins right by him holding up a cardboard box sign that said, "Flowers....$3." I pulled over and walked over and sure was the guy. I greeted him with a handshake and he proceeded to tell me a story about his life. He said that he was in prison for 17 years and then got out and wanted to change his life and be a great dad to his boys. He gained custody of his kids, got into a parent empowerment program, and started to exercise and got a job. What struck me about this man was that he was so humble. He then said, "I tell my boys every morning that I love them. I think that if you do that with kids, it can change the world. I take my boys out here to teach them that it's important to work and that they can meet all kinds of interesting people. I want to write a book about all that I have been through and how God has helped me be the dad I am today." Well, I was so blessed hearing this story as I watched the little boys hold up the sign by their little plastic red wagon where the flowers were. These were Trader Joes flowers that were way too overpriced that the store had thrown out and this man 'rescued.'
As I sat there that day on the bus stop bench, watching people come by and smile as they talked with the little boys and bought flowers, I thought to myself, "How amazing is bring beauty to an area of brokenness through a simple thing like selling flowers" and it made me think of the beauty of the pain of what this man had been through and how he was not ashamed to share his pain, thereby bringing light into the lives of others!

Let your light shine before all men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven! Matthew 5:16

The Start

Welcome to a new blog that I hope is real and inspiring. 
Writing has been a part of my life since as early as I can remember, with my first diary given to me at age 9. Throughout life, I have used it to write about the pain, the joys, and just the crazy, quirky stuff life brings, as well as the ways God has shown himself! It has been, and still is a "mini therapy session" and a constant source of healing and expression. The idea to document people stories is something God showed me to do a long time ago when I met the man with cowboy boots crossing the crosswalk at Jefferson and Gravois. We both happened to have cowboy boots on, mine were turquoise and his were brown but somehow this passing in the boots sparked a conversation. He could barely talk and walk, then said that he lost his speech sometime ago after a stroke. I asked if he had anyone to help him and he said that he took care of himself and was too mean to have anyone take care of him. He went on to tell me, in broken speech that was barely understandable, how he was going to write a 500 page book of what he had been through. This was the start of the idea to share peoples stories and give honor to them to prove the resiliency of humanity, shed light on the sometimes forgotten places or people in the city, and to share the message of Christ that is inevitably evident through hearing  the wisdom of others. I find that people that I meet are teaching me so much about the love of my life...Jesus...and seeing them is actually seeing Him. I want to share these real life stories with everyone in the hope that they will see Jesus in everyday life. I am excited to share these adventures! Hope you enjoy, are inspired, and that it encourages you to see life from a new point of view!! Here we go.....

The Beginning...of a Collection of Stories...from the Hood.....
In January several years ago, I lost my car, due to my negligence in some irresponsible driving, which left me with a suspended license. I rode the bus and metrolink now to get where I need to go. Public transportation is great actually and I always say, ‘puts you more in touch with the people.’ My counselor laughs telling me, “You’re already in touch with the people enough!” *BUS RIDING FACT*: This can be crazy. You have to plan ahead like never before.You just have to get up extra early and travel longer than it would take by car. Yet, in that "extra time" stuff, you get to see and experience a whole new world. As I see a young mom with groceries and three kids, I realize how this is real life for so many and what a privelege I have had to have a car. What blessings do we take for granted?

One time, riding the bus home at night, the bus driver lady just randomly started talking to me: “You know the least people could do when they get on here is say HI. No one even says anything. Sometimes I get the whole bus talking. I used to teach for St. Louis Public Schools now I have been a bus driver for 15 years. I am going to an 80’s party soon. What do you think I should wear? I’m thinking a gold lamee top and gogo boots!” We continued this conversation until my stop, in a bus full of mostly men. I think of that we all are in the same space, but hardly anyone makes an effort to talk to people as we all just stare into the distance, without interaction in the very same space. Boxes and bubbles is what it reminds me of...all in our own zones, when I wonder how much we actually have in common and could support each other more outside of our own little safety zones of boxes and bubbles...and learn from each other in the process!

Switch to the bus in East St. Louis. This story is from a few years car at that time and on my way to work from the completely different world of Fairview Heights, IL, on the bus, looking at a lady acting very strange, who was looking at man who was talking to me, asking me for some food. I still had that ½ sandwich leftover from McAllisters. He was an older man, looked very rough, and when I gave him the sandwich, he literally “tore it up!” He ate it so fast that it made me just remember all those who are really truly hungry and how much I completely take it for granted every single day that I have food. 

 1 Peter 4:7-11The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithfulstewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praisedthrough Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.