So, after writing yesterday's post about appreciating a lost my car keys.
Enjoying a great time with a friend at a local city park and as I was drinking rose ginger tea, realized, "I LOST MY CAR KEYS!!!" For some odd reason, I didn't freak out; just thought of this as another adventure. I envisioned what I would have to do...ride the bus? call a friend?
Scattering breadcrumbs on my way to the park would've been a great idea, BUT...never thought of that! I thought backtracking would make sense....and that is just where the adventure begins!
Pushing my way through crowds of people waiting in line at food trucks, my cousin suddenly appears with her family! OK, everything happens for a reason right? She is the 'fun' cousin and of course asks her husband to take our picture..right there in the food truck crowd. She waits for Chinese. I wait for Brazilian, then we enjoy our international food before the great key hunt!
Backtracking (no breadcrumbs makes it extra challenging), I see absolutely no sign of the keys so ask a police officer where the lost in found is. At the booth, I am given a park ranger number and asked to fill out a form by a cheerful teenager who clearly loved her volunteer job. No one has found these keys. As I walk past dancers, the smell of many different flavors of decadent food, and enjoy the colorful fashions all around, I realize...I have local beef burgers defrosting in my grocery bag. Ew.
I then call a tow truck as my phone battery is about to die. I wait a good 2 hours, and when they show up, my car couldn't be towed because someone illegally parked in front of it! This is becoming a game. I walk to my friends house (must have walked a good 15 miles by now) and they are not home. It's time for a break. The reality of what people have to do to get from point A to point B is a all up in my face today and I am more and more grateful for a car, but strangely don't miss it and prefer being outside in the wild, wild city.
Luckily, had a few dollars so stopped and got a ham & cheese melt and carrot sticks at a local coffee shop. This was not just any coffee shop. The guy behind the counter gave me his phone to look up bus routes since I had given up all hope of finding the keys. Who does that? I had sat in the grass for several minutes and prayed for answer. Found a bus route, and headed out.
As I was passing the place where my car was parked, the illegally parked car was GONE.
Time to call the tow truck driver..again. But, how? My phone is dead. I ask a lady on the street with kids who looks annoyed with a Corona in her hand and asks, "How long will it take?" "Um...2 minutes" I tell her. The tow company says they can't find my car. The lady with the Corona clearly has to
Another walking trip to the weirdest grocery store with the kindest manager who let me use the store phone. I call the tow company again. "Oh, our driver is in the county, but he should be back to you in 30 minutes."
Back in my car...waiting...waiting...and guarding that space in front of my car with my life...1 hour show. Back to my friends at the grocery store. This time, one of the checkers lets me use her cell phone and is all smiles. Thank you lady! It's amazing all the people who help you accomplish your goals and help you when you really need it in an 11 hour day looking for keys!
1 1/2 hours later tow truck driver comes! It is dark and I am almost asleep from the all day trek. Now, I didn't mention the blessing that happened before he came.
As I had walked back to the car, a car started to park in front of me. I told them that the space needed to be clear since a tow was coming. They were a middle aged couple and said they lived across the street. The woman went into her house, then all of the sudden, she is at my car window with a brown paper sack that says "Karry Kool bag", a can of "Big K Coke", and an insulated 2014 Walt Disney World Mug, some napkins and a stretchy straw. I told her i needed an insulated mug. I was so shocked then told her she was such a blessing and she said, "We are going to be watching until the tow comes," as she and her husband proceeded to sit on their porch and wait. "What? Don't they have better things to do than watch me?" As it hit me, I started crying...crying for just a minute because I was in need and God showed me he cares about the little things in this blessing from a kind lady. He takes the time to just watch us and considers us important enough to create us, give to us, and watch over us!
Almost the tow truck driver says, "You must be frustrated. I bet when you lost your keys, your heart skipped a beat!" "Nope," I tell him. "It's not worth getting upset for. I just had to laugh." As he drops me off, I give him that "Big K" can of coke and thanked him.
As he is driving off, I apartment keys are on the lost key ring. It's a good thing when your landlord lives one street over. It is now late. I walk over and get keys and she says, "Are you hungry? Do you want to borrow my car to go to church tomorrow? "WHAT?" Seriously, another vivid example of God caring about the details. I thanked her and she gave me a hug and handed over the keys to her '94 Toyota Corolla and apologized for the walnut splatter that the squirrels had made on the window. "Who cares!" I thought to myself. "You're letting me borrow your car...that's amazing." As I get in and unlock the lock bar from the steering wheel, I drive around the corner to my place and sigh....I am home.
Give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus- 1 Thessalonians 5:18
"For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me." Then the righteous will answer him saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me!'- Matthew 25:35-40